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Partner. Invest. Intern.

Share your scientific breakthroughs, academic achievements, research milestones, and more with the program community - your updates inspire our students and keep our alumni connected in the realm of science, fostering global connections.

We want to hear about where our student end up! Tell us about your college admission.

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Join the HRSE Linkedin Group. Meet other bright minded researchers.


Contribute to the HRSE blog and resources. Share your expertise and reflections.

HRSE thrives on its commitment to fostering connections and collaboration.


Are you a college professor looking to partner with driven and intelligent high school researchers? Or are you a college professor that worked with one of our bright students? At our program, we aim to provide a unique opportunity for high school students to actively engage in meaningful research. Forming partnerships with labs, we will offer guaranteed research positions to eager high school students, creating a win-win situation for both parties.


Partnering with us brings numerous benefits. You can tap into a pool of talented and enthusiastic young minds who are eager to make a positive difference in your lab and research. By mentoring these keenindividuals, you not only contribute to their growth but also foster an environment of innovation and collaboration. Join us in this exciting journey by reaching out to us today. Together, we can inspire and empower the young minds of tomorrow.


We understand the importance of corporate sponsorship in fostering innovation and supporting the next generation of aspiring scientists. By sponsoring us, you have the unique chance to invest in the future leaders of STEM fields, nurturing their talents and empowering them to achieve remarkable breakthroughs, while demonstrating your commitment to community engagement, and academic excellence. Together, unlock the potential of these bright young minds by providing them with innovative and productive resources and tools. 


Join us in shaping the future of scientific innovation and investing in the success stories of tomorrow. Contact us below to explore how your corporate sponsorship can make a significant impact on the lives of these exceptional young researchers. Together, let's inspire the next generation of scientific leaders.


We aim to build a network of sponsors with various educational companies and organizations to offer the most academic support for all HRSE students. 

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Tutoring Companies: Dr. G Academy, Taipei, Taiwan


We invite all alumnus to join us once again, this time as interns, to gain real, first-hand business experience and contribute to the growth of future high school students. By becoming an intern, you can become a mentor or guide: share your expertise, inspire greatness, and leave a lasting impact on the lives of these budding researchers. You'll pilot business operations: create and run marketing campaigns, handle sales, oversee finances, and more. 


Reconnect with us and helping more ambitious individuals secure valuable college-level research internships. Contact us today for a meaningful and rewarding internship, while tapping into our powerful network of alumni - leading to more opportunities. Together, let's empower the next wave of high school students to reach new heights in their academic and professional endeavors.

Frequently Asked Questions

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- Perform College-Level Research in YOUR area of interest

- Supercharge your college applications today 

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